viernes, 27 de abril de 2007

(El re-make) Seras lo que debas ser...

O no seras nada...
Jugar a ser algo que no se es, es peligroso. No saber como manejar situaciones inventadas pueden causar la caida inminente. Inventar personalidades y una sonrisa casual no lleva a ningun lado y eventualmente todas las caretas caen, las mascaras se derriten al sol de la verdad...
Juzgaste y terminaste juzgado, queriendo safar de la cuerda que aprieta tu cuello cada vez mas y mas, y solo lograste ahorcarte peor.
Ahora rogas por piedad, y lloras tus pecados, pecados que no se arrepienten, solo se tapan con fachadas necias de palabras vacias que dicen "no me fui" desde lejos, bien lejos de aqui.
Y como se entiende, a quien se le hace caso, como saber cual de los dos dice mas mentiras, como lidiar con cada una de las partes, te vendo uno y te muestro dos?
Sos vos o tu fachada?
Pretender aceptacion solo se acepta si la careta se mantiene, mientras oculta se retiene la cara de verdad. Pero mostrar las dos sin sentir la menor culpa, sabiendo la molestia y el dolor que ocupan al que acepta, como una, es como decir "conta conmigo para lo que quieras, pero no me hables, no me interrumpas!".
No me culpes por no entender lo que queres a todos mostrar, no me culpes por solo ver la otra cara que no queres mostrar.
Si solo veo lo que veo, es porque mis ojos no me dan para ver otra cosa mas que tu pobre mirar.
Sere lo que soy, quiza no lo que quisieras que fuera, pero si ser lo que soy me hacer ser como soy, entonces como soy, me quedo, sin miedo a mostrar lo que tengo para dar.
Seras lo que debas ser, o no seras nada...

lunes, 23 de abril de 2007

Wait and see what delivers....

Several years ago, when my little sister was born, the first thing I thought was that when she got 15, then I would be 30! Oh my God! And I thought that by that time I'd already have my life pretty much resolved, I mean, I pictrured myself like a grown-up, with a job that I would go to in a really nice outfit. A beige skirt and a beige jacket, white shirt, high heels, a really tied-up hair-do, some papers in one hand and a pen in the other...
Now, I'm almost 30 and I don't see any of that happening. I'm just some girl, always dressed in black, in fact I don't like wearing heels, I definitely hate skirts, my hair it looks like a real mess. I do have a job though, but not quite like the one I figured I would have. I just don't see my life fulfilled, it's like I've never stopped being 25, maybe 26...
Lots of people I know, they already have kids, they're married, have future family projects and all that... but I don't. It's getting hard for me to see myself like an adult. I'm just not getting myself in the picture and I don't know if I would like to, that's the worst part! I always think if I'll regret it later... or if I'll have the chance to do all that later...
Settle down, having a family, kids, a husband... hmmm I'm just not convinced of all that yet. And sometimes I get to feel that'll be too late for me to do that when (if) I am ready to do it. Guess I'll just have to wait and see what delivers...
"Life is not a succession of urgent "now's", it is a listless trickle of "why should I's?" John Wilmot